Protecting the Youth

photo courtesy of Lifeworks

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, many people become homeless for various reasons. Whether it was a job loss or dealing with some sort of abuse, most of these are adults. However, there is a population dealing with homelessness that are under the age of 18.

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$130 Million to be Considered by City Council for Programs that Assist the City’s Poor

  1. Austin City Hall

    Photo taken for KUT News by Liang Shi.

    March 27, 2012– The Community Development Commission held it’s monthly meeting at Austin’s City Hall Tuesday night.  During the meeting the Commission allowed speakers to speak on behalf of organizations that assist the impoverished in the Austin area. Through these speakers the Community Development and Housing Commission was able to asses the potential needs of these organizations.
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Homeless in Austin

Wooldridge Square Park – – Carmen became homeless 2 ½ years ago. She and her husband Joe work for Clean Slate, an organization that helps the homeless become stable once again.

By: Courtney Pedersen

Carmen went from having a steady job at Dell and family to completely homeless two and a half years ago. Now as Carmen and her husband, Joe, survive on the streets, her children live with their grandmother so they can have necessities Carmen can’t give them.

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